Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin

The Mighty Moose

I traded him for a vintage Corningware lid.  The scabby lid was only worth two bucks at best.  But him? The mighty moose? Priceless!

Oh my god, the ooohs and aaahs as I nailed the beast to the wall tonight?  You'd have thought I was securing Brad Pitt to the deck for the rest of the summer.

Never mind that though.  I got carded at the local liquor store tonight!  I did!

Wee snippet of a girl says "Can I see your ID?"   I say "WOT?! How old do I have to be?".  "Nineteen" says she. (Fuckin hell, thinks me, ) "I'm nearly three times that".  She stands her ground.  I fumble for my card.  I present it.  "Oh my god!", says she, "I'm so sorry".

She's new. 

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