Over the Edge

I have spent the day picking up on all of the information that I can find about "PolaroidBlipfoto's" likely demise. While no one can point to anything absolutely concrete, there are certain clues which if assessed together do not inspire confidence ... to say the least. It seems that:

a) Certain former blipfoto employers are said to be seeking employment
b) All communication from "Blip Central" appears to have ceased
c) Polaroid are no longer making reference to Blipfoto on their website
d) Blipfoto has quite clearly been less than upfront with the members since before the site changes last December and so their failure to keep the members informed should count as no surprise..

This is all very sad. I cannot begin to express HOW sad. I know I speak for many many people in suggesting that the possible loss of this webste will mean a significant hole in my personal lifestyle. The potential loss of daily contact with many many wonderful people that I have met here will be a bitter disappointment for me.

This may be my last blip until such time as the situation regarding Blipfoto's future has been officially clarified. I will suspend Wide Angle Wednesday  for the time being as well. Thanks to all who have supported my efforts in that regard. I will continue to monitor what will be happening to Blipfoto and will be visiting your journals.

I have begun the task of downloading any blip text I consider to be important. I have been verifying the integrity of my back up and archival systems for blip images. I have created a new account at 365project.org where several blippers have already established a presence. I am known there as "hobbsie". I have been securing and sorting the images in my various other web presences in whatever way I can. It is only at times like these that one discovers how messy one has allowed things to become and so this latter task may take a while - to say the least.

I sincerely hope that all of this proves to be a colossal false alarm and just maybe it will. I leave you for now though with perhaps a final blip of the Blue Mountains showing abseilers slipping from view ... :"over the edge".

My email address is to be found HERE

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