Just me..

By Sunnyclouds


Am I only the only one in a state of despair and confusion about Blip?
I spent all last night feeling uncomfortable about it. I've worked out I'll be more annoyed about the journal entries rather than the photos as luckily they're all backed up... Thought I would join 365 project only to realise that I can only have 3 albums and each one consisting of 365 photos so I can't put all my back blips on... Never mind, they'll be a solution, I'm sure.

Colin has offered some wise words of comfort today...
"I know how you feel, I remember when my Arsenal site just disappeared over night"

Yes, it's almost identical....................................................

I do feel awful for all the Blip employees (if the rumours are true) I suspect they have mouths to feed and bills to pay, just like us all.

But hey, let's keep blipping and pulling together on the FB Friends site until we have any confirmation!


Happy Mothers Day!!

My Blip today is a sneaky shot of Colin preparing my Mothers Day lunch (finally ready at 3pm!) apparently chicken cooks quicker for me, the hob is stupid and he's going to sweep the floor in a minute... Right after the Man U/Tottenham match.... He supports neither team!

All the links to my social media sites are on my bio x

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