
Or the puppy and the bicycle...a horror story of course...

so it came to pass that the heavens opened in an, almost, cleansing downpour; a day of rain with snell wind blown across the ribbon of the ganges, a day for fleece and trousers indeed...and the alleys an obstacle course of puddles and watered down cowshit, not the best place to slip today...empty in the afternoon drizzle, another changed place, another illusion of themselves... and, of course, I got slightly lost...closed shop fronts and daily routines, the scents of cooking from unexpected doorways, figures gliding through shadows and the veil of rain...powercut followed winding glistening threads between darker walls, more scented shadows as night casts her cloak upon the old city...

on the water boats float by, passengers crouched under umbrellas as the ghats ring with constant offers of boats at a cheap price...but the numbers remain down, the season shortening...a changing of the guard...

and outside the rain continurd

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