Happy Birthday Woozle!

OK, so the picture is not of a Woozle - everyone knows that they are very shy and do not like their picture to be taken!

We went to the lake again - it lets Tai get cool and the kids can play in the water. It was full of people. We luckily managed to get a parking space as someone was leaving, and off the kids went.

Instead of being my usual self, who sits on the side and does homework, I went into the Lake with the kids - it was VERY cold, but they loved splashing me and hearing me squeal at the water hitting my hot skin. It's a shame Lyssa was not there too - it would have been perfect.

That skin, as a matter of course, is red and hot and burnt. Guess which idiot forgot the factor 30?????

As it's Jane's birthday, we are going out for dinner; just don't know where yet....

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