Jaded at the edges!

This poor Camellia has been damaged by the frost, which has left it looking somewhat jaded at the edges...which I have to confess is how I feel following the revelations about Blip.
To be honest I feel quite heartbroken, for my journal, all my words I so carefully composed, all my friends, all the lovely comments and for all the Blipfoto staff, especially Joe.
The whole thing has the potential to be painful on so many different levels, and has left me reeling just a bit!
But....my journal is 85% backed up now and as a precaution I have joined another 365 project just in case, as I want to carry on with my journal, and with my friendships. To be honest I am very sad that blips loss is someone else's gain, but I don't see what else we can do.
We just need to be positive ..........................................

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