Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Cameras, cameras, cameras...

I went through my camera bag today, just to check what's in there. I have two, one that I use, and one that is 'storage' for the stuff I don't use but don't want to get rid of. :)
My first camera, for example, the little one in the left lower corner, I got from my parents when I was 9. It has a film inside, still... I'm thinking of taking it to a lab and have it developed, just to see what's on it. If there is a possibility to save something that probably been in the camera for over 30 years.
The camera in the right lower corner is the second camera I had. It's my fathers old one, that he gave to me so that I could learn the basics with light and all the other stuff I have no clue of the English words for. :) I'm thankful, though, for all that I learned from him with that little Olympus. I had another Olympus to, that isn't in the picture, a fully automatic when I got tired of doing all of the settings manually. And, the little Olympus broke so I couldn't use it anymore. But, after a while I missed doing settings manually and bought myself a used Cosina. And then another used Cosina, and finally a semi-automatic Pentax, and an old Ikon Nettar - fun camera with 6x6 neg. After using my Pentax for many years I finally bought first a digital compact that isn't in the picture either, and then my Pentax K100D. One of my friends lent me a Nikon D50 for a week and I changed my mind of not buying a DSLR. I was choosing between buying a Hasselblad 500 CM, and the Pentax K100D.
Another stroll down memory lane... :) But, cameras are fun!! :)
I hope you all have had a nice weekend!

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