The Earl of Mount Edgcumbe

Today was mostly spent trainspotting! I did not mind a bit as the weather was glorious. We had a picnic and then watched as the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe steamed past Linlithgow . Home to let Rona out as it was way too hot to take her in the car. Fifi and Lyall popped in and we sat outside for tea . Then John and I went to Culross , home for dinner and out again to Stirling where we managed to get some shots in the station. Outside Stirling there is a little side road where you get a good view of the train as it travels towards Larbert. When we arrived quite a few photographers were there. Oh the look you get if you dare pass by to stand between them and their quarry. No way would we stand right in front of them. However John D jumped a gate into a field away out of their line of fire. I stood at the side of them (in nettles!!) and was told in no uncertain terms that I could only stand there if I did not move my head or talk as some were videoing! What a bunch. After the train had passed they told me I could come back as I had behaved. I told them I was well trained but they did not seem to get the joke!! :)

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