Year Three

By RobotChicken

New door and windows

Got on with replacing an old front door today - we had an old one kicking around. And then got two windows replaced which was nice. Old trailer windows replaced for nice white insulated pvc windows. 

As for Blipfoto going into liquidation - what can you say really?

Firstly, I never thought it was an idea that stood alone as a company. It was always a project rather than a business in my opinion as I cannot imagine how many £25 memberships you need to collect salaries and so forth.

Secondly, I'm not a fan of how the recent changes were done. I like the new website, big improvement in my opinion, but the changeover happened too quickly and was missing all the paid for items, which are slowly being reintroduced. You cannot cripple yourself like that "we have paid memberships with extra features (and btw, the features are all disabled)". Incredibly bad move. It's very annoying to be a paid member and not have the things you paid for. Ok, it's only £25, I can live with that - but can you imagine the people bitching to Paypal et al?

Thirdly, although Joe has done a great job - I have a big issue with offering "lifetime memberships" as a way to raise cash for a business that is not financially sound. A big issue with people who think that's how you run a business.

However, unlike all the other people jumping ship to Project 365, I'm not. I don't believe Blipfoto will be killed, the liquidators will be hawking around this project to plenty of people, the guys at Blipfoto have contacts at places like C4 and the Guardian, not to mention Polaroid, so I cannot believe the site will just be turned off. However, expect another rebranding soon I guess.

The question is - who put them into liquidation - was it HMRC?

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