Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Celtic Harmony

Class 3 went on a daytrip today. They were trained up as Celtic warriors. I went along for the ride as a member of staff AM and a volunteer parent helper PM. I have to say it was fab. We (our family) will be going back. This is Carys having a go at archery. She scored 22 out of a possible 30 and yes she is right handed but shooting the other way round, something she learnt last summer at the family fun day at HBS! They also went into two round houses, a 'normal' one and a chieftains one. Learnt to make rope from reeds, painted their faces (and mine) with celtic symbols, chased off invading Romans, did a bit of trading and translated runes. (At one point I thought I was in a world that cross Harry Potter with Game of Thrones as I was translating runes one minute and then trading for obsidian arrow heads the next!)

Will was very upset when we got back as a)Mummy hasn't managed to go on a trip with him yet, b) Carys and Mummy both had faces painted! He was calmed by Mummy promising him that at some point in the summer I will take him to Celtic Harmony.

Tennis and ballet then I finally got to sit down...with a small glass of cold white.

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