
I was hopeful of getting a decent blip this morning. There was a little mist, a little light and no wind.  I thought the river might look nice.  Sadly not...the day got greyer...so back to plan A - a faffed fleur

On Friday evening I was relating to Mr Lif and Jake that the area outside our office has become a pooping ground since the New Year.  A single culprit I think, always in the same spot.  I had sent an email to the council to complain.  

This prompted Jake to tell us that he had seen a lady (I use the term loosely) allow her dog to poop outside the school.  As she began to walk away Jake had asked her if she was going to pick it up.  She had glared at him and told him to mind his lip!

And today....at the office, what did I spot? A brand new anti poop sign.  Not a coincidence I am sure.  I know it probably won't stop the phantom pooper but I can always hope.

Enough of the poop for now!  Great to read some potentially good news tonight from blip central :). Fingers crossed the deal comes off.  I hope you will be joining in on the #blipfotoforever Bliptogether thingy tomorrow.  It would be a great way to show Joe and the team and the outside world just how passionate blippers are.  Details are in the forum if you are unaware.

Happy Tuesday blippers.  May your days be poop free x

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