
By tookie

Daffy Reflections

I discovered a wonderful place last year while just visually perusing the I-5 corridor landscapes on a trip up north.  It turned out to be a gem when I exited....a magical landscape full of zillions of daffodils all over...not in rows and not the ones the skagit valley here is so famous for.  So I rechecked this out this year with my friend Peg while on our way up to Bellingham to get her "pod" stuff moved out of storage as she's doing another move!  

While I was shooting the daffys and Peg was oooing and ahhing at the flowers a guy drives up in his truck.  I thought "here comes the "this is a no tresspassing " place stuff.  But NO...He was super friendly giving us a booklet on the site and explaining it's history and mission and inviting us to go all over.  Couldn't turn down this now could we?!!!

This site is the Bonhoeffer Bontanical Gardens being developed in Freeborn Historic District.  There is much yet to be developed and in the here to site

This blip is one of many images I took...I chose the reflected daffodils because of presenting them  in what I felt to be a unique way .  enjoy

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