just untidy enough

Gah. Two hours to prepare photographs and listings information then another half hour to get the bloody thing listed. Done now; in ten days I shall hopefully be down to the two lenses I actually use (in looking for some sample shots I did a sort by focal length of cropped-and-processed blip-sized shots to find examples taken with the 18-70 and only found about ten out of several hundred in the since-March folder) and hopefully up a goodish portion of the way to something else. No idea what, though. I don't have to get anything; I'm sure it will be a relief to be able to walk around with the two lenses I use in my bag and without the vague feeling of not-maximising-value from the other lens sitting in the other bag at home, even though it's not really fast enough for use during the winter.

There was nothing as frivolous as holiday-gambling with Connect 4 at work today. I voluntarily spent half my lunchtime writing an email to a couple of colleagues explaining one of my favourite subjects after a conversation drifted from christmas holiday cover to religion/evolution in seven simple steps and spent the other half wandering up to the blood donor centre to see if it was really busy (which it was) and to check that it was open late on Wednesday evenings (which it is) to see if I would be able to pop in on the way home (which I did) and hopefully attempt to get a picture of the cannula this time (which I didn't).

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