
By CanonEyes


All sorts of going-ons going on in Dublin today. The last shot is of the Redhead deep in conversation with a lady from Texas. Herself and her husband were the most un-Texas-like people you could imagine. We had a few pints with them. Her husband, Aaron, told me that his biggest eyeopener was the depth of history that was evident everywhere. It made him realise how relatively new America is. They are heading for London, Paris, and Rome next so they are going to be inundated with history before they get back to Texas.
We stayed in town for a few hours soaking up the splendid atmosphere.
I then had a marathon gig in the Village Inn which started at 5pm and didn't finish till 11.30.
The pub was packed and they wouldn't let us stop.
It was mighty craic but I'm a bit shattered today.
I just brought my little point and shoot with me so the quality is not great. I hope I captured some of the atmosphere.

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