Wide Angle Wednesday:Foreground Interest

My foreground interest was always going to be Toto :) I just didn't think it would be like this!

We woke this morning to the sound of rain, honest to goodness rain at last!! I felt sure it would stop by the time we were ready to go for a walk but no it kept on until work started and then it stopped!

We went outside for a 'pretend' walk which is enough to fool Toto most of the time but today he wasn't happy until we actually went out and stood in the rain! After about 3 minutes he was over it and we could go inside and smell the coffee and the lingering aroma of wet dog!!

He spent quite a few minutes staring through the gate as if to say what is all this wet stuff everywhere! I managed to get a few shots of him at different angles from behind. What I really wanted was for him to look around at me but even though I said all the right key words and made all the right silly noises he just wouldn't!! :;o))

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