Possibly the best

By Letters

Composition No 720: Veal

Bradshaw described this railway line as "a branch line from Inverurie through Lethanty to Old Meldrum, a distance of 4 miles".
The line was subject to the Beeching cuts and is now home to a few sheep and a herd of small ponies bred for horsemeat.
I am not a herbivore but I have reservations regarding the treatment of animals.
I generally avoid Foie Gras because the process disgusts me. Likewise veal.
Seems the powers that be at Channel 4 are funding a drive to persuade us to eat "Rose Veal".
The RSPCA and Compassion in World Farming have given the iniative approval.
I know where my next £2 per month d/d is heading off to.

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