Blipfoto forever

Last night a severe G4-class geomagnetic storm reached earth, the sky was cloudless and we got to see spectacular northern lights show. I was outside watching the auroras from 22:00 to 01:00. I've never seen northern lights that strong and that long lasting. We even got to see the corona many times. First we observed auroras near our home, then children went home and me and hubby drove to the shores of Näsijärvi lake. First we went to Rauhaniemi and then to Kaupinoja.  

This picture is my input for the #blipfotoforever solidarity campaign, northern lights at the background. Blipfoto and my blip friends are very important for me.

"Take a photo of yourself with arms stretched wide (as if you were going to hold hands with the people next to you) and post as your blip for the day. Please make it a square photo with your hands right at the edge so when the photos are together, we will be holding hands."

+12° C, sunny

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