Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie


I have been for a run. Since I started blipping on here there have been some big changes in my life. I stopped training to be a social worker (really stupid idea), I had a surprise pregnancy leading to my third child, I started working in a school teaching a choir and this progressed to training within natural voice and becoming a choir leader of three choirs, I started swimming regularly, I had laser eye surgery, I started running. 

I think running is the most shocking change of all! I do look slimmer though. Whoop!

I have laughed, I have cried. I have been on high days and holidays and it is all recorded here. I am glad that for the time being this all seems to have been saved. There have been some wonderful responses off people on blip allowing you to backup and it has made me consider what an archive of my life and my families life this is.

Let us see what comes but for now I am glad I started blipping and I am glad I carried on blipping and I hope I can carry on blipping in the future.  

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