wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Blipfoto forever

Well, my friend Arianna took this at lunch today. I wanted to make sure I did this. Before she took it she suggested that I put my hat on. Yup, this sums up my life. Good hair day? Never!
I belong to the group on Facebook. This afternoon I saw that someone suggested a day without blipping. I can't. It's one thing not to have the time but to intentionally not do it? Nope.

Everyone has their own feelings and no one is right or wrong. I just want the new people who will take us over to know that we are a family and I ask myself, what would Joe want us to be? I think we all know. Excellent.
So as a salute to the integrity and respect for Joe and my fellow blippers, I will continue.
If this forum changes. It changes. I have been through worse in my life and have survived. We all will. Just don't lose sight that we have each other. so f you don't blip it's ok. Just know that whether you do or not, there is a community that is here for support and friendship. A family you know, one of excellence.
One I am so proud to be part of it.......
Good morning down under and good evening to the north! I

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