Princess Mummy

Today I was up early. I had a shower with mummy, then I wouldn't get out. Mummy had to turn the water off to get me out. Daddy got me dressed before I headed down for breakfast.

Mummy took me to playgroup. I was very pleased to see ally friends. The leaders were all very surprised to see mummy with the baby still in her tummy.

After playgroup mummy took me down to grandma and grandad's. We both had a lovely lunch. I demolished a huge bowl of spaghetti, then some raisins, a small cake and juice. After lunch grandma and grandad took me put to feed the ducks and to play in the park.

Mummy had a rest while we walked lunch off. Once back we all had a big juice. We then had to go home to wake daddy up, I had a quick nap on the way home.

I was pleased to see him once home. I gave him a big cuddle. I ate all of my tea up. Mummy thinks a growing spell is on its way.

At bed time I decided I needed to go 10 minutes early. So told mummy to take me to bed. I was very happy to cuddles toys under my cosy duvet to curl up to sleep.

I have taken to telling everyone I have fairies in my tummy - like mummy has a baby in her tummy. I sometime pretend to take a fairy out and we play together.

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