The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Cordless Vacuum

Me and mummy are best friends. But let's face it we don't really have that much in common. Apart from the fact that we find daddy funny but even then there are days when I'm flying solo with that one.

So I love when she takes me to play with people who have a shared interest in Cbeebies and shiny things. And she enjoys the mummy chat. Nothing whips them into a frenzy quite like a cordless vacuum. And their Dragon's Den style pitches on how to make their millions are almost believable.

This time last year, mummy's friends threw her a surprise baby shower. She was late because she'd spent the morning lying in bed. At the time she thought the best part about that day was the surprise and all the baby gifts. Never did she think that the long lie that morning was the most precious part!

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