All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Daisy daisy

I woke up today to another glorious day. I think it got off to the best start though with Ethan sleeping through the night for the first time since his hospital stay (although he was still later to bed last night than I would have liked) and hubbie got up with him when he woke so I got an even longer lie!

I took Ethan out to Eliburn Park for a few hours in the morning to let hubbie get on with building "the decking castle". We had a fab time there in the sunshine. He played on just about everything there (loving the wibbly wobbly bridge), we went for a walk round the lake, then he had a Mr Whippy ice-cream while we sat on the grass and people watched. I forgot to take a camera with me though which I was frustrated about as there were so many blippoportunities there.

Got home to find hubbie had given up cos it was "too hot" and that was him for the day! At this rate it will be summer 2013 till it's finished and poor Ethan still can't get to the grass due to the mud where the old decking used to be!

He had a mammoth sleep this afternoon - all the sunshine and morning exercise clearly wore him out. Then more playtime in the garden when he woke. I am loving this sunny weather. Looks like it's due to break mid next week though which is a shame.

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