This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

A place called home

Today we got the mailing list up and running and we sent out our invites to the eastprospect exhibition. You all are invited! Did you know that seven out of the ten artists that are showing at our exhibition also happen to be blippers!

Today was also consumed with chores. Dishes, Laundry, Hoovering, and sorting out a pile of junk in the basement. It is hot and sweaty today.

Later this evening we are going out for some experimental theatre. A production called, Alley 38. Tomorrow is a holiday here and I think I might take the day to organize some more things around the house.

ps. I have to mention how brilliant Stewart is for a minute. It is his sense of design that makes our invites and website and everything look so great. I also have to mention his keen sense of organization. Thanks Stewart.xox

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