Sea Urchin

By seaurchin

A scorcher of a day. I was up at six to walk Brammle whilst it was still cool. I love being up early when the sun is shining. It felt as though I had our little world to myself - every one still soundly asleep in their beds as I quietly pottered. I waited to eat breakfast with Nick and we sat together in the garden, in the shade of the apple trees. We decided to have a barbeque mid afternoon and I made a blueberry tart for dessert. We took our time eating, looking out to the field and enjoying the usual family banter. Afterwards I fell asleep in the sun, curled up on the rug that I had laid out for us to sit on. The girls, Nick and I went to the beach in the evening. It was beautifully still and quiet. The girls went barefoot so they could walk in the sea and Nick and I ambled along the tide line chatting. We shared a bag of chips, licking our fingers before scrunching up the paper and returning home.

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