Life on the edge...

By bru22

One empty seat...

Snapped this on my drive home from the concert tonight (see yesterday's blip) I'm shattered to say the least, physically and mentally worn out...

The lead violist had his thermometer on stage with him and during the rehearsal, the temperature got to 29.1 degrees!!!!
Yes, I even felt the point one!!! goodness knows what it was during the concert!!!

It was a great concert, brilliant conductor, super soloist and fabby audience (including a great looking Petey! - who normally plays in the orchestra but has recently been thought the wars with a heart attack. He was looking great though. He gave me a big squeeze. Purely to feel my boobs, obviously! But he knows he gets away with it! - I have my third eye on him as my rock, Si, is his son. Who is a worrier!)

There will always be one empty seat in these concerts for me... I spend the first 5 minutes before the conductor walks on staring into the audience looking at one particular seat for one particular person... They weren't there... It's been 1 years since they were... E19 in the balcony - roughly... I wish I could see her wink at me once again... That's all it took that day at the gym... My heart melted...

It's weird... You know the end of something great is coming but you want to hold on for just one more second, just so it can hurt a little more... Tonya Timmons

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