Eclipse, Ok, Partial Eclipse

We got up this morning to find the world sunny and bright - ideal conditions for viewing the partial eclipse.
We set up with a monocular tied to a tripod with ribbon, projecting the sun onto a white sheet of paper, pegged to a picture to keep it straight.  It needed constant adjustment as the sun's image moved across the paper in just over 3 minutes.  We pegged up cloth to cut out the unwanted light. There was great excitement when darkness started to nibble at the right side of the sun!
After a while the wall got in the way so we moved upstairs, and set up there in a similar way. Some of the crystals hanging in the window were still projecting their spectrum into the now darkened room and each spectrum was curved and had had a dark bite on the edge.
So then we had an eclipsed sun surrounded by eclipsed rainbows. It was all very beautiful. JanHar blipped one of these rainbows - take a look! I included a couple of those images in my montage.
About half-an-hour after the eclipse the sky clouded over completely so we felt very lucky and privileged to have seen the whole thing.
We did look outside now and again and in the darkest period the world looked very strange, still sunlit but somehow dim.

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