Just a parrot's life

By ellenparrots

My old budgie Pookie

Things are not okay here.... My very old budgie is not well, my sweet Pookie. I think he had a seizure yesterday and now he doesn't have much strength in his left foot. Now he has troubles with his balance. I am not running to my avian vet, not yet. Because he is almost 12 years old and we all know at one time life ends... but I will keep a good eye on him for sure and I have email contact about Pookie with my vet. I now give him metacam twice per day.
I gave him a rond tree perch in his cage where he now can sit on, without having troubles with his balance. Please know that he still eats and drinks, so that is a little bit positive.. Please think of me and my boy... already having a hard time as you all know... I was doubting to tell this on facebook, because of maybe people will judge me not running to the vet, yet. But I really know what I am doing and people who really know me, know that I am there for my birds, 1000%!
— feeling worried.

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