
By YvonneThornton


Having a cracker break at Castle Hill rocks.

Another busy day for little and big legs walking up and down hills as well as over rocks.

After going back to the holiday home for lunch it was time to head back to Christchurch where we had coffee in the garden Geoff also had one if his favourite nz pastries a boysenberry and custard twist while chris had a chocolate iced brownie.

Emily and Tash popped in then Annette (Nana), Ian (Pop) and Ray (Great Grandad) came round for a fish and chip supper.

Agnes is now in bed sound asleep, we are showered and pretty much packed for our 4 am start and flight at 7.20, after stopping in Sydney, Bangkok and Dubai we will arrive at Heathrow around 6 am Monday morning.

Must say we have both shed a few tears, quietly, tonight.

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