Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


It feels like Florida is rolling out her very best for me in these final days!  I have been wishing to see Black Skimmers actually "skimming" but I had given up on it ever happening.  Usually when I see them, they are resting on a beach somewhere - totally delightful, of course, but not skimming.  So this morning when I took an early walk at Redington Shores and came across a group of 80 or so, I dallied for a bit, watching them preen and waddle around.

I find with wildlife photography that it really does pay to situate yourself somewhere and wait for events to unfold.  I've gotten some of my best shots that way.  And while this is not technically a great shot (focus not as sharp as I'd like), it captured some magic for me.  I will always remember right where I was - sitting on the wet sand about 15 feet from the edge of the ocean, watching the amazing sight of skimmers fishing.  
For those who aren't familiar with these birds, they are resident in S. America and along the gulf coast and eastern seaboard of the US.  They have a knife-thin red and black bill with the lower mandible significantly longer than the top.  They fish by dragging their lower mandible through the water, snapping it shut when they feel a fish.  They are the only member of the Skimmer family found in the Americas, and are related to the African Skimmer and Indian Skimmer.     All skimmers feed in this most unusual way.  

Since I had my blip in the bag early, and since I really, really need to get some cleaning and packing done, I reluctantly came home and started working on chores.  That said, I may sneak back down to the beach before sunset tonight.  

I posted my 10 favorite shots from today starting HERE on FLickr - all birds.

Thank you for the lovely comments, stars and hearts on my reflective egret yesterday.  And glad that you also felt the serenity that I felt in looking at it.

Happy Saturday...Ten more sleeps until we head north...


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