Sunshine on a Saturday :-)

Someone had a beautiful day for their nuptials. Beautiful cars too!

I spent a very fruitful morning shopping in Glasgow city centre. I was in constant contact with a very honest friend who gives very honest fashion advice. She has saved me from shoe humiliation in the past. 

Swimming in the afternoon with eldest who delighted in trying to make me sink. It doesn't take much. A wee poke in the ribs and I lose all control of my limbs, panic and drown. Apparently it's quite amusing to watch. 

Later on we all walked to the village hall to pick up youngest. It was his first Beaver Camp and it seemed to go swimmingly. He's taken after eldest and managed to come home with all his clean clothes still clean, still packed away in his rucksack. Big bubbly bath tonight!

Oops - quick change of photo. Had to catch youngest laying down some tracks. My little Music-Meister! "I got a really good tempo Mum!" he has just declared :-)

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