but when I looked out of the window it was snowing. A strange surprise after yesterday's warm springday. First a rather wet snow came down, later there were real flakes, but before tea-time it had disappeared from the plants and bushes.
The decayed tiny flower (?) was brave and endured the ordeal and so did many other plants, the primroses, the crocuses and then snowdrops that had disappeared almost already.
Some little tasks done in the home, chatted for a while with Piet Hein about his masters from the past like Helmut Plessner. He is reading a book written by Monika Plessner, the philospher's wife.
When he has finished it I want to read it too, But now he tells me he has started reading it again from the start. How patient can one expected to be?
After lunch the weather had changed and we both agreed to walk a short distance. To the Weser, sitting on a bench there, and then to the supermarket.
A quiet day, a day I liked.

My haiku:

Only when the snow
Had finished did the mouse appear
Slif and slash and then gone

And the proverb:

A soft answer turneth away wrath.

1382  Wyclif, Prov. XI, 1.

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