And Another Thing...

By dhackett68

In An Ideal World…

In an ideal world, The Brother rang me at 6:00 tonight and so, you're looking at a lovely portrait of Dave Gilmore, freshly emerged from his early evening meal in Done Leering! And I've sorted any outstanding royalty issues over yesterday's text…

Instead, you're looking at a cat and I'm dwelling on the concept of filial loyalty!
Anyway, thank you for all the good wishes and new friends yesterday (andmoff, David77 and jamborek - or jaybroek, or whatever tasty variant he settles on - having decided they need more random gibberish and ranting in their lives), and a special thanks to Raheny, whose swan porn fixation saw two trips to the popular step!

And if that French git posts a world-famous guitarist tonight, there will be "wigs on the green"!

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