
By conventgirl


I'm feeling rather odd this week following the dreadful destruction in Vanuatu caused by Cyclone Pam. 30 years ago we lived there for 2 years and it is so sad to realise that most of what we remember is no longer there.
 I watched the reports on the TV to see if I could recognise anything but I couldn't. Then I went on Google Streetview and found our house and traced some of our old haunts. I went through the 60 or so photos (remember it was before digital cameras!) and went on trips down memory lane. I went on Facebook and managed to find one of our friends. It doesn't look as if she uses it much but I have left a message just in case. Then I dug out the few physical momentos we have and it boiled down to a tea towel, a coin and my driving licence (there must be more somewhere!)
Whilst all this nostalgia has been fun it has left me feeling very sad. It seems like a different lifetime - when we were so young and full of adventure. We had our whole lifetime in front of us and now I am feeling very old.
I hope this feeling will pass soon because I know it is ridiculous. I am quite happy with my life as it is now. My heart does go out to the islanders now who have lost everything and I just hope aid gets to them quickly. They are a resourceful lot with simple needs and I am sure they will rebuild their lives as time unfolds

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