but not an actual dovecot

Fortuitously one year after I deliberately visited the wrong doocot in Lochend Park, the big wingpiglet was attending his first sophisticated art exhibition reception thing, after having expressed interest in teapots during the afternoon-nursery's recent tea-themed stuff. Not being at home at this sort of thing I just wandered around after Amos, who was making pleasing little bowing-movements with his arms when he wandered past the clump of school-violinists in the corner and who made various pig, horse and dragon noises when someone was trumpeting on a modern copy of an ancient type of trumpety-thing with a pig's-head-bell. Edgar made a couple of necklaces and got to bring home the modelling-clay teapot and colour-your-own-teapot sheet. Shortly beforehand I'd successfully got my new bike frame Bike Registered, which made me mildly less perturbed about having to leave it where I left it whilst we were in here.

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