Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Race Day

All of today's races were recorded, so it wasn't until early afternoon when Mr. Fun got to the "on" button of the remote.

First on the list was the Formula One Grand Prix at Monaco. Back in my younger days, I could give you a blow by blow report or maybe that's lap by lap, but I'm no longer young and I don't give racing the attention that I once did. Mr. Fun was on the edge of his seat and the whooping and hollering was a true indicator of the exciting entertainment coming right into our livingroom.

Once that excitement was concluded, the Indianapolis 500 was next. In the early portion of the race I watched as Mr. Fun keep nodding off and I knew he needed to take a nap, but then the final laps of the race where sensational. All over again the whooping and hollering filled the air.

So other than attending church this morning, we've stayed home and enjoyed the day from here. I could claim it was a calm, cool, relaxed day, but if you'd been here listening to the screaming and yelling and big sighs, you would not think it was relaxed and calm.

Tomorrow is a holiday and then Tuesday is an anniversary and Wednesday is the Student of Distinction Banquet at the campus. The coming week is looking good.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& "the whooping and hollering" Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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