Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

A thoroughly good egg

I'd like to introduce you to Scruffy, our resident cockerel. He may not look all that scruffy now but when he hatched in July 2012 he was the sorriest looking bird we had ever bred. Probably as a result of rather too much in-breeding since his mother was also his granny. He never did develop a proper tail. However, following a regimen of keeping only the least aggressive male from any clutch, this boy is quite the most chivalrous we have ever had the pleasure to let roam the hillside. He has turned out to be a thoroughly good egg! He crows well too. We are hoping that when the poultry van comes round in the next few weeks we will be able to get some new hens to keep him company since he is hanging about at the moment with only his elderly aunts.

This would probably have worked better had the sun been shining but it wasn't, and you can't have everything.

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