
This Aquilegia is tiny & is one this years seedlings growing in a gravel area near our summerhouse.

Macro lens is on and I am very very close. It makes it look really big & you can see the detail in the newly formed leaves and the sun shining through them. It was easy getting down there but harder getting up.

An interesting item in the Mail on Sunday P19 regarding the plight of people with bleeding disorders such as myself. Finally it seems, there is to be a public apology by David Cameron and maybe even compensation. It is the culmination of the 6 year Penrose Inquiry. This NHS disaster which is not spoken about, resulted in the death of more than 2000 people and  thousands more being infected by HIV, Hep C & vCJD proteins.

A bright sunny day.

N & R have taken C down the town to sort out a new phone & then they are coming back for a roast dinner. Oh yes & R hopefully will be taking a look at my laptop.

Enjoy your sunny Sunday blippers !

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