Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Seeing Red!

Today we were at a party to celebrate the 40th Wedding Anniversary of my cousin June and her husband Donald.  June's mum (behind her in the picture) is my mum's sister.

They have two lovely daughters, and the younger of them - Audrey - arranged this party, with a wee marquee in the garden, and a lovely buffet.  Red helium filled balloons, red roses, red plates and table decorations, and individual little bottles of red wine for the guests, with a label proclaiming 'June and Donald, 40th Anniversary.  There was also a beautiful sponge cake, iced in white with red writing.

This is the moment when a piper started playing the same tune that piped the two of them into their Wedding Reception all those years ago.  June and her mum are so taken by surprise that they positively gasped!  And to our surprise, her normally douce husband was blinking back tears of emotion.

I asked him afterwards if he knew how many of their friends who married round about the same time had made it to 40 years, and as I suspected the answer was - not many. 

Well done you two, looking forward to your Golden Wedding party - but maybe not in the garden in March - my feet were freezin'!

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