Consider the Lilies

By skambalu

#Lent with @CAFOD: Mothering Sunday

We are God’s work of art created in Christ Jesus to live the good life…” (Ephesians 2:4-10)

Today was Mothering Sunday. I took a photo of the daffodil that was handed out at church to give to mothers - I need to send a photo of it to my Mum! But then I thought, why not share something created by a mother, a grandmother? So today's photo is of a painting that hangs in my living room. It was painted by my Granny. It's one of my favourites of hers. I think when she died we all took a painting or two - her house was full of them! I particularly like this one because it also reminds me of the partnership she had with Grandad. He drew the pencil outline for her, before she painted it.

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