It's Another World

Spent the morning reducing our luggage to what we can comfortably carry on our backs all day - this netbook, my camera, and almost no clothes - not sure what we'll smell like by Saturday...

Got the bus to Odeceixe, which is on the border between the Alentejo and the Algarve, and about 3km from the sea - our plan is to walk north on the Rota Vicentina and see how far we get...

The bus dropped us off in the middle of a deserted, dark road - the silence was deafening and felt slightly disconcerting - but now we've checked into our hostel, whatsapped our community at the Kings Arms in Sutton Coldfield, and walked down deserted streets to the main square, where there is one establishment open, strung with Brazilian hammocks, burning incense, serving a decent beer, and playing Dire Straits. 

What more could we ask for??

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