Clix : Aperture Wide Shut

By clix

Lovin' Summer

Lovin' Summer had me a blast

Lovin Summer passes too fast

Met a girl crazy for me

She had a smile as cute as can be

Summer days driftin' away, to ugh-ah those summer nights...

The sun was shining all week and MrsClix decided we should all go camping. So off we went. Pitched the tent in scorching sunshine then went for a lunch washed down with a beer. The girls had milk shakes and ice cream. Perfect summer fun.

After that is was down to the beach and we could have been back in the Seventies. Kids everywhere is various states of nakedness just playing in the sand and splashing in the sea. It was glorious.

We lounged on the beach for a lovely afternoon until it was time to get back to the camp site for our evening BBQ.

Luckily we had a BBQ because Daddy packed everything else apart from the gas canister for the stove. it didn't matter because the sausages sizzled on the barbie and there were lashings of apple juice for the girls and Pimms for Mummy and Daddy. Result.

Eventiually it was time to put the girls to bed. Well, that was the plan. At one point we were sitting reading the paper and Pip's face appeared over the steering wheel in the car! SHe had snuck out of bed and climed into the car for a play.

Oh, how cute.

But by the time we had played musical sleeping bags. And then musical "are you sleeping beside Mummy or Daddy", it was starting to get quite late before we all eventually managed to get some sleep.

Camping. You gotta love it.

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