Escapism for 30euros

Slush in the morning and cold rain outdoors in the afternoon. Only +1c, but it is a good time to think about summer. So I went for escapism walk into the plant store searching some seeds.

I spent 30euros and now I have seeds for Kale (red and black), Chard, Ice Salad, Peas and Red Sunflowers. It our climate you have to plant seeds of kale indoors, let them grow for 4-6 weeks, and plant them out to the soil as it is warm enough.

I could spend hours in this kind of shop... and I wish I had more room for plants in the house!


ps It is maybe not allowed to take photos in this shop, so I had to add the  outdoor shot into the collage too... I hope you excuse it: It is not trying to be any ad ;)

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