STOP following me!

Today I have been very irritating.  Well, Ann says I have.  Obviously I don’t think I’ve been an irritating little collie.  All I seem to have heard all day is, ‘Molly, stop following me!’

I went to work with Ann today and she was the only one in the office, so in theory I should have just spent the day snoozing.  I didn’t want to spend the day snoozing.  I was in irritating, annoying, naughty mode.

If Ann went to make a cup of coffee I followed her.  If Ann went to use the photocopier I followed her. If Ann went to get something off the shelves I followed her. If Ann went into a different part of the unit I followed her.  If Ann went to the toilet I followed her.  And so it went on ……………………..ALL day?!!  Ann got so fed up with me that she said she wasn’t going to take me for a play in the park.  Well I knew that was an empty threat because no way would she not let me go out for a wee & a poo.

Anyway I did get to go and play in the park.  And I was naughty there.  Do you want to know what I did?  …………………….I was off my lead, having a bit of a wander about, when I heard a skateboarder skateboarding in the skateboard part of the park.  I HATE skateboarders so I went zooming off in chase mode.  Unfortunately for me when the skateboarder saw that I was in killer collie mode, he just stopped skateboarding and waited for Ann to catch up with me.  And then I got put back on my lead and that was the end of that?!!

And then we walked home in the rain and I got left home alone while Ann went to see yet another mechanic to see if they could work out why a strange orange light keeps coming on in her car.  They couldn’t, but our car problems are a whole other story.  We HATE Fiat!  And I got into trouble again because when Ann got home she knew I’d been snoozing on the sofa because it felt damp?!!!

…………..And now I’ve been banished to my bed but I look so cute & gorgeous that Ann couldn't resist blipping me.  I know she loves me really.

Happy Monday evening Blippers. xxx

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