The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Duracell Daddy

My favourite toy in the whole world is daddy. He is the Duracell battery of daddies. He just keeps on running. Even my 4.30 start this morning didn't have him slowing down. Mummy on the other hand is like the inherently lower-duration zinc-carbon batteries. The ones you have to give a good shake to get them to work.

Mummy doesn't always have time (energy) to put my shoes on but she made a special effort this morning since I'm toddling about a little. So it was just typical that I had to remove my shoes and socks for an activity at baby sensory today. I got to stand on bubble wrap so I wasn't complaining! Afterwards we had lunch and a roll about in soft play.

Mummy is reliving her youth at a 90's disco class tonight. No doubt I'll get a rendition of the moves at some point tomorrow. It's a sure fire way to stop me from crying and have me stare at her in utter disbelief/embarrassment/sympathy.

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