Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


Oh my word I do like to deify convention.

Two years ago we discovered my eyes required a weaker prescription, my prescription had been getting steadily stronger since I was a teenager. Then 18 months ago I had to get separate 'granny' glasses (aka reading glasses) for the computer. Then I was getting headaches and finally found my beloved Prada glasses and as they are now almost 6 years old I thought I was gonna have to get new lenses but I put them on and lo and behold I could see and they were more comfortable and I no longer needed the granny glasses as no more eye strain looking at the computer. I should point out that I did make sure I was road legal in them.

Today eye test and guess what my glasses that are almost 6 years old are actually a slightly stronger prescription to the one that was made out today, but optician said as long as I was happy in them no need to change. She also said she wouldn't be surprised if in another couple of years I will be wearing the even weaker granny glasses for distance.

The test today didn't even come up with a separate reading prescription.

I go to a good old fashioned opticians and she is knowledgeable about ME and knows that can also cause variations as the eye muscles get fatigued. She is also very patient with me giving me time to adjust when its the is it better with 1 or 2 part of the test and knows that with my pale blue eyes I need a bit of time to adjust when she has been shining light into my eyes.

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