More Life of Sands

By sands

It's Not Rocket Science.....

These instructions are on an old cage which WSP used to use on their boat. It pretty much tells you how to use the cage and it seems simple enough......

We had 2 trips today. Gemma, Arthur, Ashlie & Amy went to see a penguin colony at Betty's Bay but as I'd been three times before, I decided to stay and see more sharks!

Poor Robyn is suffering from some sort of allergic reaction on her feet & hands and went to see the nurse at the Pharmacy today. It seems it's not an allergic reaction after all, but chilblains :-/

So I was the only volunteer on the first trip and we only had 9 clients who were all quite quiet and easy to deal with. Robyn & I went on the second trip and we were joined by a 'new' volunteer, Sven, who arrived today. I say 'new' as, like me, he is a repeat offender! He was here in December and is back for a couple of weeks.

On all trips, the clients are told how to use the cage to see the sharks. A few get it quite quickly but most just don't seem to get it. For some, this is a problem with language and we can forgive them that but as for the others......sigh!

The second trip was...challenging!! Many of the clients couldn't cope with being in the cage and following instructions on how to use the cage seemed to be an impossible feat!

So I am quite tired tonight & almost ready for bed!

I apologise for not keeping up with everyone's blips again! I think we have a couple of no-sea days coming up (the weather is going to be crap, so I'm told!) so I should have some time to catch up.

Oh and we saw a Southern Right Whale on the way out on the first trip today :-))))))))

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