
By jess_lovett

Dark morning

Нет, и не под чуждым небосводом,
И не под защитой чуждых крыл,-
Я была тогда с моим народом,
Там, где мой народ, к несчастью, был.
1961 Ахматова

Classic St Petersburg overcast dark skyline on the way to school today. I have been trying to capture this view for a while but its hard to get the cathedral in because you need to take it while crossing a busy road, which is hard enough in Russia at the best of times! Unfortunately its very grainy because I had to zoom in and its hard to get it completely in focus on the phone camera. 

The quote is from Requiem a very famous poem by Anna Akhmatova dedicated to the victims of the stalinist terror and continually refers to her life waiting in prison queues in Leningrad throughout. It is the opening preface.
The best translation I know of is:
"Not under foreign skies
Nor under foreign wings protected -
I shared all this with my own people
There, where misfortune had abandoned us."

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