
5years 155days 

Before school! A before school playdate!! Katie's really enjoyed having Lydi visit us in the mornings. Though she hasn't liked that it means she can't ride her bike to school when I have the three of them to get there. Last week of it though, both due to holidays and their mama being well enough to take them from Friday. Notice the crop on the bunches? We cut her hair yesterday. It was meant to be a wee trim, but with the mixture of a) how she wriggled so I had to keep levelling it out and b) the fact it curls up even more with less hair there, it looks a whole lot shorter. I haven't quite got used to it! Katie keeps going in circles over whether she likes it or not. 

She had an epic meltdown about school today - probably the worst we've had since she started. She cried getting in the car and insisted on Monkey, though promised she'd leave him. She had a meltdown when I got her out and made her leave him. Then kicked, cried, screamed and shouted her way to the school gates. At which point she just cuddled to my shoulder sobbing. 

She came out of school buzzing though about the fact that one of the Y1 TAs had been in their class today to teach them about Islam. She had a card that had her name in Arabic. She explained to me that they read back to front, so her front of her card was on the back.... however she couldn't bring herself to apply that so when she'd decorate the inside of the card, she'd turned it to the way she's used to! Inside it she'd "drawn the special box that they put their important book in" and a picture of the lady. 

Swimming after school. She was pretty hungry, and therefore snappy, when she got out, but once refuelled she was back to normal and had a good lesson. She flaked at the end though and it was a pretty swift back home to bed. I think End-of-term-itis has truly gripped her. 

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