
By Jaxter46


A very old photo of me that I came across back in 1980, 
I'm here with Billy my beautiful Toggenburg billy goat, he was one of 5 that I brought back from Conway as they were all going to slaughtered, he was five days old and I was 19. He thought I was his mum, he slept in the house in the begining and was bottle fed until he was on solids, He then had his own little house in the garden. He loved going for a walk and followed me everywhere and ate the garden until there was nothing left. He loved a butty, knew the sound of the car coming home and all the neighbours loved him except when he was carrying on in the middle of the night when he was a bit bothered by something. He got a bit too big to come into the house and eventually he went to a farm to live out his day. I've often thought about him, he had such a lovely nature

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