What Captures My Interest

By Erikalv

I DID IT!!!!

In the last 100 days I've experienced the loss of my father, was in love, had my heart broken, celebrated my son's 22 birthday, bought a new camera, fell in love with photography, began writing again and made new friends. Its been quite a journey in this short time but embraced and celebrated with the help of Blip.

Like everyone you don't know how this thing called "blip" will affect you. Its different for everyone but for me it brought creativity back into my life and its been a supporting system on my low days and high days. Thru my writing I'm finding my voice and expression and though I share too much at times its the only way I know to be.....its who I am.

A group of you (and you know who you are) have been consistent commenting on my blips and I from the bottom and top of my heart cherish you guys. Who's to say you have to meet someone in person to become friends....no you don't. I look forward to blip and to your blips everyday.

Ariah is my "JOY". I look at her everyday and I'm in awe of her beauty, her smile, her personality, her brain and her growth. It is my mission to be a positive constant energy in her life and to always bring out her best. She does that for me....bring out my best. I absolutely adore her. (see large)

The journey between who you once were, and who you are now becoming, is where the dance of life really takes place. by ~Barbara De Angelis

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